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- December 31st, 1969
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5th Animation Anniversary!
June 20th, 2017, 10:33PM
Welcome to my tiny corner of the internet. I know it's been a bit since I last posted, but starting a blog habit seems to be tough for me. Anyway today is the 5th anniversary of me being a professional animator, and I thought it'd be nice to start a new tradition and do a 100 day study of something. For this first one I'm doing walk cycles, I found a video over on Facebook a few days ago and had this idea. 100 Walk Cycles. I'll probably update this later some more, I'm gonna go figure out how I want to set the scene up and the process. Thanks for stopping by!
5th Animation Anniversary!
June 20th, 2017, 10:33PM
Welcome to my tiny corner of the internet. I know it's been a bit since I last posted, but starting a blog habit seems to be tough for me. Anyway today is the 5th anniversary of me being a professional animator, and I thought it'd be nice to start a new tradition and do a 100 day study of something. For this first one I'm doing walk cycles, I found a video over on Facebook a few days ago and had this idea. 100 Walk Cycles. I'll probably update this later some more, I'm gonna go figure out how I want to set the scene up and the process. Thanks for stopping by!